Travel Report Tanzania 14 to 19 March

3. April 2011 Off By P.A.P.A Bridge

Dear friends P.A.P.A. Bridge!

I would like to share with you the nice experiences and interesting travels of my last trip toTanzania to the project and to father Aidan.

Here is a small summary with some pictures for you!

1) A visit to the vocational school (Vocational training centre) in Ndanda (near to Mtwara on the southern border of Tanzania) was our first stop and gave us a lot of new knowledge.

2) The receipt and the distribution of the contents of the container which we had shipped at the end of 2010 to Moshi, Kilema was very exciting because we could see with our own eyes that everything had arrived and the huge joy of the people at the donations.

3) The project meeting in Kilema villiage and the inspection of the building site confirmed our mission and that already a lot has gone on. At the moment, the roof is covered and the inside walls are plastered. Now the important issue of course is to organise the school Director, the teachers and the equipment. This will become the essential main focus of the association during the next months.

Last but not least I would like to warmly thank Günter Stoisser who accompanied me and stood by me with good words and deeds. It is with pleasure and pleases me to know I will have other travel companions for the next trip in summer or at the latest in October, 2011.

Affectionately yours and wishing you God’s blessing,

Walter Koch / Chairman P.A.P.A – Bridge